Yaron Svoray comes to Gainesville!!

Brought to you by Hillel and the March of the Living

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Who is Yaron Svoray?
Yaron Svoray is a former Israeli commando where as a detective sergeant in the Israeli Central Police Command (similar to our FBI), he learned the skills he would need to become an anti-terrorist fighter.  More recently, he committed himself to exposing the growing Neo-Nazi movement of Germany, Europe, and the USA.  Working in conjuction with the famous Simon Wiesenthal Center, Mr. Svoray, the son of Holocaust survivors, went undercover as "Ron Furey", a Nazi sympathizer and supporter.  By ingratiating himself to the members of the movement, he came in contact with key Nazi leaders and more shockingly, a vast network of middle-class citizens who subscribe to the Nazi platform of racial hatred and superiority, anti-Semitism, and Holocaust denial.  His story has been told in both his book, "In Hitler's Shadow" and the HBO original film, "The Infiltrator".
Why is this important?
The Holocaust resulted in over 6,000,000 Jewish and over 11,000,000 total people who were murdered.  We constantly remind ourselves "Never again".   This is the week of Yom Hashoah, the day we remember the victims of the Holocaust.   Mr. Svoray has provided us a scary look into a growing movement that desires our destruction.  Come learn about this movement and what we can do to stop it.
What is Yom HaShoah?
Yom HaShoah is the day that we remember the over 6 million Jewish victims of the Holocaust.  March of the Living, our campus Holocaust education and remembrance group will be active on campus helping us to ensure that "Never again" will these type of horrors occur.
When and where do I go to hear him speak?
Thursday evening, April 15th at 7:30 pm in Room 100 of the New Engineering Building on the campus of the University of Florida.   There will be a reception for him after the event at Hillel, 16 NW 18th Street.